Sunday, 20 April 2014

Let's Talk About Fight Club...

Admittedly, this is NOT the kind of topic that I usually discuss on my little blog and it doesn't match the colour scheme, but let's be honest - 

How can we not talk about 'Fight Club'?

SPOILER ALERT. Watch the film or read the book first if you don't want the beautiful plot twists revealed to you.

*Quick note: some of you may know I'm studying Film Studies at A-level, our close critical study for one of the questions in our final exam is Fight Club. One of the tasks given to us to help before our exam was to create a review of the core themes of the film, and I felt a blog-post format would be the clearest way for me to set mine out, so hopefully this will be useful/interesting to some readers, if not, stuff you. :)* 

Personally, I love Fight Club. Admittedly it takes a bit of getting used to, with many well-developed and intellectual themes being thrown at you from the first shot, not to mention the fact that, even at the best of times, the plot can get confusing as heck. But once you take the time to delve into those themes and find out all of the incredibly clever little devices slipped carefully into the film, you really appreciate the overall effect all the more. Hopefully, this blogpost will be able to concisely explain all of the wonderful nuggets of information that my friends have become bored of hearing from me. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Spring has Sprung~

As cliché as it is (*slaps wrist*) Spring is in the air and it is super beautiful!