I love cosplaying. I mean, what could be more fun than dressing up as your favourite character to show the world your love and appreciation (not obsession... haha...) for a tv show, a movie, a game?
But I'm a student. Who's goal in life is to become a writer/actress. Let's face it, I'm never going to have enough money to really splash out on extravagent costumes that make people do a double take, unless I just stop needing food or something...
So some people may say I 'half-arse' my cosplays, but, I feel that as long as I have the basic recognisable elements of the character, I can use a bit of artistic liscence. After all, cosplaying is about having fun pretending to be a character, which means if you don't look completely-totally-ridiculously identical to them - IT'S OKAY!