Saturday, 1 November 2014

Working Girl...

Currently, my life is a blend of cuppa soups and cardigans. Mugshots or missed mealtimes. Crackers and cashing up.

In other words; I got a job.

It's pretty full on right now, I'm only meant to be part time but at the moment I'm covering for another staff vacancy, which is pretty great in terms of money to save up for uni, not so great on the writing and general 'keeping up with life' front.

I'm also discovering that I'm one of those people who just can't leave a job unfinished. Which is, again, a little sucky for my energy levels. I hate taking a lunch break and leaving someone else with a mountain of work so generally I keep going and make do throughout the day, (which is okay and all, but I definitely don't advise it.) 

So anyway, welcome to adult life! 

I'm also *attempting* to balance work life (rather unsuccessfully) with learning to drive, creating a portfolio of my written work, keeping up with friends, hanging out with family, applying for unis and experiencing my first actual relationship. *Gasps for air*


But in all seriousness, I'm really enjoying my job and it's nice to have a sense of fulfillment from having a reason to get up in the morning and a purpose for the day. I'm just saying it'll be pretty fantastic when I'm only on two fixed days a week and can really knuckle down and get writing! :)


P.S. Sorry for the bloggy-posts, more fun stuff coming soon hopefully! (Not that anyone really reads this page anyway *tehe*...) 
In the meantime, I made a Wattpad account where I'll be posting stories and fun stuff ONLY! :)

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