Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Anxiety and Starting Uni

I couldn't really think of a snappy, memorable title for this post - and I don't really feel like I should. While I'm now settled and happy at university, my beginning experience was crippling self-doubt and while that's an experience that many people are still suffering from I don't want to turn it into a punny click-bait.

I always thought I was pretty good at making friends, but going to university is obviously full of changes to every routine you feel you might be already used to, moving there meant a change in the town I knew, the people I lived with and my experience of school altogether. So when you think about it, it really is okay to feel like it's too much to adjust to in the short period of freshers week. Taking a year out meant that I had seen a slightly idealistic view of fresher's week through facebook posts, I unconsciously concluded from these posts that in my first week of university I would;

- Be best friends with all of my flatmates.
- Go out to bars/clubs and enjoy the experience.
- Forget to miss home.
- Transform into a totally confident and independent young adult.

None of these things happened.