Saturday 1 November 2014

Working Girl...

Currently, my life is a blend of cuppa soups and cardigans. Mugshots or missed mealtimes. Crackers and cashing up.

In other words; I got a job.

It's pretty full on right now, I'm only meant to be part time but at the moment I'm covering for another staff vacancy, which is pretty great in terms of money to save up for uni, not so great on the writing and general 'keeping up with life' front.

I'm also discovering that I'm one of those people who just can't leave a job unfinished. Which is, again, a little sucky for my energy levels. I hate taking a lunch break and leaving someone else with a mountain of work so generally I keep going and make do throughout the day, (which is okay and all, but I definitely don't advise it.) 

So anyway, welcome to adult life! 

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Cosplay Crafts - Apokélypse

The next cosplay plan I am undertaking is an apocalyptic twist on Pokémon, or as me and my boyfriend affectionately call it; 'The Apokélypse'. 
The plan is for him to dress as the eternal-10-year-old Ash Ketchum (well, a grown up version) while I take a human twist on a Growlithe, we then cover everything in dirt and blood and act as vicious as the characters undoubtedly would if a nuclear disaster left the world in tatters. ;) 

So since my cosplay partner has yet to collect any items for his costume and MCM is less than a month away -(we booked the tickets yesterday, eeek!)- I decided to take matters into my own hands and make him a bandolier that could not only accommodate bullets but also pokeballs. 

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Budget Cosplay

I love cosplaying. I mean, what could be more fun than dressing up as your favourite character to show the world your love and appreciation (not obsession... haha...) for a tv show, a movie, a game? 

But I'm a student. Who's goal in life is to become a writer/actress. Let's face it, I'm never going to have enough money to really splash out on extravagent costumes that make people do a double take, unless I just stop needing food or something...
So some people may say I 'half-arse' my cosplays, but, I feel that as long as I have the basic recognisable elements of the character, I can use a bit of artistic liscence. After all, cosplaying is about having fun pretending to be a character, which means if you don't look completely-totally-ridiculously identical to them - IT'S OKAY! 

Sunday 20 April 2014

Let's Talk About Fight Club...

Admittedly, this is NOT the kind of topic that I usually discuss on my little blog and it doesn't match the colour scheme, but let's be honest - 

How can we not talk about 'Fight Club'?

SPOILER ALERT. Watch the film or read the book first if you don't want the beautiful plot twists revealed to you.

*Quick note: some of you may know I'm studying Film Studies at A-level, our close critical study for one of the questions in our final exam is Fight Club. One of the tasks given to us to help before our exam was to create a review of the core themes of the film, and I felt a blog-post format would be the clearest way for me to set mine out, so hopefully this will be useful/interesting to some readers, if not, stuff you. :)* 

Personally, I love Fight Club. Admittedly it takes a bit of getting used to, with many well-developed and intellectual themes being thrown at you from the first shot, not to mention the fact that, even at the best of times, the plot can get confusing as heck. But once you take the time to delve into those themes and find out all of the incredibly clever little devices slipped carefully into the film, you really appreciate the overall effect all the more. Hopefully, this blogpost will be able to concisely explain all of the wonderful nuggets of information that my friends have become bored of hearing from me. 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Spring has Sprung~

As cliché as it is (*slaps wrist*) Spring is in the air and it is super beautiful!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Home is a Box.

     Some people say that home is where the heart is.
     Talia’s home was a sturdy wooden box that sat in front of the hearth. It was warm and safe and always in the right place. After a long day of selling her goods at the market she would return to her little cottage in the woods, its blue windows shining happily in the starlight to welcome her in from the frosty air.
      Then she would slump in front of the fire and take out her heart to inspect for an hour or so, this was a bad habit she admitted, but somebody had to check for new scars, and there was nobody else she trusted enough with the task. That was rather the point. But every night she would find no new wounds, only the faded mark from years gone by where her heart had been shredded.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Reasons to Smile

Okay this is a new thing I'm going to do, basically whenever I see an outstandingly lovely act of human kindness or awesomeness I'm going to write a short post on it just to spread the fact that even though there's a lot of horrid-ness in the world there's also a lot of niceness. :)

So recently I attempted to change the strings on my guitar and all went well but while tuning my G string snapped, (yes haha, it's hilarious so laugh it off now.)
I tried to get a new one but it turns out there aren't many music shops near where I live and the one I know of is so out of my way I just kept putting it off. However today I walked home from town a different way than the one I'm used to and I happened to pass the shop so I thought I may as well pop in and see if they had any separate G strings (haha) since I didn't want to have to buy a whole new pack.

Thursday 30 January 2014

A Question of Gender...

“I wish there was an official document that proved women are always right.” I sighed one day after a discussion between my mum and dad.
Half sniggering, half crying, my dad replied, “There is, it’s called a marriage certificate.”
Since that moment it has come to my attention that men say ‘women are always right’ a lot more than they care to admit. It’s a bit of a ‘Catch-22’ situation however, since whenever they say ‘I suppose you’re always right because you’re a woman’ they seem to instantly forget it, so whenever an actual woman makes the case they get all defensive and accuse them of radical feminism.
(Radical feminism here being the crazy-kind of normal feminism, usually involving the ideas of women ruling society and men being cast away to an island of exile, they also show a prime example of female compassion. Not.)

Monday 13 January 2014

Pocket Pikmin

So Christmas has been and gone now - which should mean the panic has just about subsided, because the pre-present era of shopping/finding/wrapping/ribboning/labelling ETC. is stressful as heck. Especially because there are always those people who never want anything.
My brother, is not one of those people however. He wants everything; from a golden toilet to a rocket. So naturally I can still have a little trouble finding him gifts. This year I found a couple of cute tiny jars which made me think of Pikmin 3, a video game (that the brother is obsessed with) from a series of Pikmin games (which he is also obsessed with) where, as a stranded rocket ship captain you have to use the help of these cute little creatures named 'Pikmin' to help you find fruits to juice and use to rebuild the food supplies of your home planet. 
The brother enjoyed juicing fruits and putting them in jars and then not drinking them because he didn't like the flavours, but he enjoys himself. While I could not make him a rocket ship for Christmas, I could make him some felty Pikmin and put them into little juice jars. :)